Mission Of The Year
Strengthen 500 families with health and accident insurance education..
About Premier Insurance
We at Premier Insurance are a professional group of individuals who help individuals and businesses identify their insurance needs and find the best policies to meet those needs from a variety of insurance companies.
Insurance Services
Fire Insurance
Fire insurance provides financial protection for individuals and businesses in the event of a fire or other covered event that damages or destroys their property.
Vehicle Insurance
Vehicle insurance is a type of insurance that helps cover the costs associated with an accident involving a vehicle. It is typically required by law for anyone who operates a vehicle on public roads.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is a type of insurance that helps cover the cost of medical expenses. It can help pay for things like doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, and other medical treatments.
Marine Insurance
Marine protection is additionally separated into three classes of protection. These are freight insurance, ship or hull insurance, and cargo protection.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
What is a deductible?
A deductible is an amount that you’re responsible for in the event of a loss. This is the amount you pay out-of-pocket, and insurance covers the remainder.
Can I port my policy without losing my existing benefits?
Yes. You can continue all your existing benefits even if you port/transfer your existing policy at the time of renewal.
Is it advisable to take independent insurance even if you have office insurance?
Yes. Every individual should carry his/her own independent insurance. As waiting period & existing illness benefits will not continue from any group policy to individual/family health insurance.
Can we get insurance after diagnosis of illness?
Yes. Diabetes, Asthma, Blood Pressure and cholesterol can be covered from Day one.
In case of total loss of vehicle. What Amount of insurance do we get?
In case of total loss full amount of vehicle mentioned on purchase invoice is payable if you add return to involve benefits in policy.
In case of society insurance. What care should we take?
We can consider the market value of premises for reconstruction only, at the time of loss .We should not consider cost of land in Sum Insured.
What care should we take while insuring refrigeration plant?
We should think about all probable losses like fire insurance, machinery break down insurance for compressor & other electronic equipment.
Can we get Reimbursement for Maternity expenses and New born Baby expenses?
Can we get insurance for Senior Citizens having multiple illnesses?
Can we cover OPD treatment and Dental Treatment cover?
ASTHAMA BP AND DIABETES is covered from Day 1.